Stall Holder info

LOCATION: Macintosh Island Park, Main Beach
TIME: 10:00am - 5:00pm
CONTACT: gcpridemarket@gmail.com

6am-9am vehicle-based bump-in
9:00am: Vehicle access to site ends (carry-in only from 9am)
10:00am: Plenty customers onsite and trading begins
10:30am: Beach Parade assembles at Narrowneck Beach
11:00am: Pride Convoy make their way down the esplanade and back
11am: Beach Parade commences along beach and along path, across bridge and into festival site
11:30pm: Beach Parade arrives at Festival site
12:00pm: Indigenous welcome opens festival
12:20 Musical acts on stage, followed by Gold Coast Drag Queen Pageant
5:00pm Fair Day concludes, patrons leave, bump-out commences until completion
5:00pm Glow Party commences in Bar area
10:00pm Glow Party concludes and bump-out commences

Pride Fair Day - Event Schedule

Pride Fair Day - FAQs
Q: Can I load in later than 9am? A: Only on foot - no vehicles on site after 9am
Q: Can I bump out earlier than 5pm? A: Yes, but on foot only - vehicles may only be onsite after 5pm.
Q: Can I go through until 10pm? A: Yes, but you will need to consider bringing lighting for your stall as the area will have limited lighting. If you plan to go through to 10pm or past 5pm you will need to let us know so we can factor you into afterparty planning.
Q: Can I peg into the ground?
A: No - due to Council infrastructure underground all marquees have to be weighted. No pegging is allowed. -
Q: Do you supply marquees or weights? A: No, all vendors are to supply their own marquees/awnings/weights.
Q: Where is Macintosh Island? A: North of Surfers Paradise, south of Southport. Map link here.
Q: How many attendees are you expecting? A: Approx 5000-8000
Q: I don't have public liability insurance. Can I still be in the festival?
A: My Market insurance is the best for a 1-day public insurance cover $60: Stall Holders - MyMarketInsurance
Please observe vehicle access route on map and directions from our staff
Please note you may not have direct vehicle access to your stall, a short walk may be required depending on location
Vehicles may only stop/park onsite in a location allocated by event staff
Ample free parking is available in the Macintosh Island carpark
Please be patient as only a limited number of vehicles may be in the park at any one time. Unloading and leaving the site as promptly as possible will be helpful to everyone.

Vehicle ACESSS
Food must only be prepared in accordance with the City of Gold Coast’s food standards. A Council Compliance Officer may contact all food stallholders prior to the event to ensure licenses are up to date and answer any questions.
Please ensure you have all relevant food safety documentation with you on the day
Officers will be present during the setup and operation times to ensure all food standards are being met. Please visit the City of Gold Coast’s website for more information: https://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/Services/Report-pay-apply/Permits-licensing/Food-business-%E2%80%93-fixed-mobile-temporary-premises


Licensed Workplace Health and Safety Officers may be patrolling the site during the event and may approach each stall to ensure setup and operation of the activity is performed in a safe manner. All stallholders must abide by safety directions given by these Officers.
Stall holders must use all equipment in good condition and if required, equipment must display any registration certificate in accordance with regulations governing the activity.
All electrical leads are to be covered with mats or cable covers.
All guards and safety shields on equipment must be used at all times.
Warning signs are to be posted on all hazards
Any required personal protective equipment or clothing for your activity must be worn at all times
No hazardous substances are permitted on site unless prior clearance is obtained from Event organisers. If approved, all chemicals must have the appropriate material safety data sheets available and stored in appropriate containers using acceptable decanting equipment.
All designated exits must remain clear and unobstructed at all times.
Where a stall uses a gas or electrical appliance to cook or heat food, it is required to have a fire extinguisher for that class of fire.
Where a stall uses oils or fats, it is required to have a fire blanket.
The extinguishers and fire blankets must have an inspection tag attached showing the last test (every six months).

First Aid Officers/medics will be available during the festival operation hours. Please make yourself aware of the location of the First Aid Officer/medics prior to trading. This service is available to all event patrons and vendors should they require first aid.
Security is the stall holder’s responsibility. The event organisers shall not be held liable for the loss or damage to the site holder’s property while at any site for any reason whatsoever.

The Event will proceed in most weather conditions unless it is deemed unsafe to do so by Event Organisers. The event will be rescheduled and stallholders offered a chance to continue to the new date or receive a refund.
Event organisers will endeavour to notify stall holders at the earliest opportunity of any cancellations or changes to stall placement due to a change in weather conditions. Please monitor your email closely as that is the quickest way for us to communicate en masse and how we will advise if the festival is to be rescheduled due to bad weather.

The Event Organisers through their staff shall have the power to stop any undue noise created by a stallholder and/or their attendants during the display and/or sale of their exhibits, which in their opinion is an offence to the public or other stallholders.
Use of amplifiers or loudspeakers by stall holders is prohibited except with prior consent from Event organisers. Small domestic mini speakers that do not compete with the stage entertainment are permitted.
Stallholders are not permitted to employ, contract or program any performer or performance without prior permission from Event organisers.

Bump in and Bump out
SITE VISITS: We highly recommend you recon the site before the day so you are familiar with the entry point and marketplace location. Look for the area between the peacock enclosure and the bridge - that's the marketplace
Enter Macintosh Island Park via Gold Coast Highway and meet our entry team
Take vehicle access route on left-hand side of carpark - see map below
Bump-in time is between 6am-9am. There will inevitably be a bottleneck at entry, so please be patient with our volunteers!
(Powered sites only) Bring 2 x 30m extension leads and please advise staff on entry if you require power on the day.
Bring weights to weight down your marquee as no pegs are allowed on Council grounds.
Our ground team will assist you to your allocated site to set up
Food stalls are sited together in a ‘food court’ near nearest the bar and main festival lawn
You can park in the Macintosh Island carpark (along Gold Coast highway) for free during the day.
There is ample parking at the Festival site on either side of the Park for hundreds of attendees and we also encourage patrons to use convenient public transport to get to the venue.
You may pack down and carry out at any time but vehicle access is only available once the festival has concluded (5pm onwards).
Please approach our ground team to facilitate traffic management when you are packed and ready to leave in your vehicle.
3m x 3m marquee (*unless otherwise negotiated - 6m x6m marquees ONLY by prior consultation)
Trestle or card table & chairs
Long extension leads if you have requested power and powerbanks for phones and EFTPOS machines
Weights for your marquee (no pegs allowed by Council)
Colourful decorations for your stall and things to share with marketgoers (flyers, information, wrapped lollies, etc)


A valid copy of the company / organisation’s public liability must be forwarded to The Event Organisers prior to the event date. Any stallholders unable to provide a copy of this policy will not be permitted to trade at the event.

Sites are to be kept clean and tidy at all times during the event.
At the end of the event, stall holders are to leave their allocated area in a clean and tidy state, removing any litter, spills or by-products from their activities.
Any equipment brought to the site, either from stall holders or their suppliers, must be removed from the site at the conclusion of the event. Any equipment left on site will be removed at the expense of the stall holder.
All food stalls setup in marquees must have a drop sheet that clearly covers the dimensions of the marquee.
Disposal of cooking oils and fats are the sole responsibility of the site holder – this must not be dumped onsite.
Event organisers will supply bins for the general public and stall holders and will be responsible for ensuring these are emptied. Please ensure all waste is disposed of correctly.

There are ample taps available for use at the site. Please liaise with staff on the day to confirm the exact location of taps if you cannot locate them.
All water required for sites must be ported by bucket.
No stallholder will have direct access to running water to connect to their site.

Emergency Procedures
In the case of an emergency, event organisers will direct all stall holders and patrons to a designated area. Upon this direction, all stall holders must cease service immediately and follow the orders of the Event Emergency Wardens.
All food stallholders are asked to turn off any gas bottles and if safe, disconnect electricity to the site.
An Emergency Plan has been prepared and will be implemented in case of an emergency within the boundaries of the Event.

All cancellations must be received in writing to: gcpridemarket@gmail.com AND admin@gcrainbowcommunities.com
Should The Event Organisers find it necessary to cancel or postpone the event, the contract shall cease to operate upon notice to that effect signed by The Event Organisers being served to the site holder either in person, mail or email and shall not be liable to the stall holder or for any compensation whether on the grounds of loss of profits or otherwise in respect of such cancellation at all.

Preventing the spread of COVID19 is everyone’s responsibility & we thank you for helping to keep our community safe.
Ensure the allocated space is set up to allow for 1.5m social distancing at all times - being conscious of ‘bottlenecks’ / movement of event patrons in your space
Encourage 1 entry and 1 exit area in your set up space
We encourage a cashless site – The bar will be cashless, electronic payment only to be accepted
Ensure all staff lead by example and practice social distancing
Limit handshakes and avoid any other close physical contact where possible
Cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or tissue
Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth
Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser after touching any surfaces, eating or drinking • It is stallholders responsibility to enforce social distancing of 1.5m within their stall footprint
Provide hand sanitiser within the stall for patrons and staff to use at any time
We encourage you to have staff have complete COVID training at: https://covid-19training.gov.au/login
you are experiencing, or have recently experienced any COVID-19 symptoms including cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath
you, or a member of your household, has travelled overseas in the 30 days prior to the event • you, or a member of your household, has travelled to a COVID hotspot in Australia in the 30 days prior to the event
you have been in close contact with a person who is positive for COVID-19
IF YOUR OR YOUR STAFF START SHOWING COVID-19 signs or symptoms onsite, organisers have the right not permit entry to site. The safety and wellbeing of all attendees and workers is the highest priority.
To facilitate a COVID safe event, the organisers of Gold Coast Pride Fair Day will have the following safe event practice in place:
COVID Safe trained staff and volunteers
Cash free bar, electronic payment methods only
Provision of hand sanitising stations throughout the site
Thank you and we hope you have a great day at Gold Coast Pride Festival Fair Day!